Cancellation/Refund Policy

24 Hours to Appointment

If canceled with 24 hours to appointment, it is a full charge. Non refundable.
Please understand your booking takes away from another customer who could have booked, so if cancelled same day its treated as a booking.

48 Hours or Sooner

If cancelled with 48 hours or sooner, it is eligible for credit. This means it's a cleaning credit applied to your account that can be used whenever you please.

Before your 48 Hour window

If you decide to cancel before the 48 hour window, you are eligible for an immediate full refund 🙂

Rescheduling Fee

If you are looking to reschedule 24hrs or less prior to your booking, we will charge you a $50.00 USD rescheduling fee.

My Cleaning Is Complete & I'm Not Satisfied

Unfortunately, we do not give any refunds whatsoever regardless of the situation. The reason we don't issue refunds is because your booking takes away from another potential client, and we use our resources to get to you and clean your house. This contributes to lost revenue on our end and isn't fair to us or our cleaners that spent time at your location.

However, you may be eligible for 1 hour of cleaning if you reach out to us at You must send us pictures of the areas that weren't properly cleaned and a description of why you aren't satisfied. We usually respond by email or give you a call within 12-24 hours if we deem your property wasn't cleaned properly.